meaning of earning

As human came to know that he was the only living organisms who knew and understood more than survival through his intelligence, he evoluted self from animal and gradually with inventions and discoveries became civilized. In this initial evolution, his intention was good for self, other humans and other living creatures. But as era progressed, his intention changed to negative (mainly self profit thinking pattern developed) so his whole perception to live life changed. In this changed perception, with time, earning currency became necessary parameter to survive and live on earth and due to that he become selfish, jealous, comparative, competitive and political. Human is facing many negative outcomes related to negative thinking since many years but he is hypnotized with monitory physical and worldly pleasure so he can’t see that he is not progressing in human evolution in right manner. Presently scenario is; human earns trust, respect, relationship, freedom, love and care from other humans for self profit in which most of the time, currency is the only medium.
Due to such negative thinking and self profit perceptions, one wrong perception to earn money fixed in human mind.


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