my book "earning perception" concept

As human came to know that he was the only living organisms who knew and understood more than survival through his intelligence, he evoluted self from animal and gradually with inventions and discoveries became civilized. In this initial evolution, his intention was good for self, other humans and other living creatures. But as era progressed, his intention changed to negative so his perception to live life changed. In this changed perception, with time, earning currency became necessary parameter to survive and live on earth and due to that he become selfish, jealous, comparative, competitive and political. Hence human had to face negative outcomes related to negative thinking. Though he didn’t stop and continue to earn trust, respect, relationship, freedom, love and care for self profit in which most of the time, currency was medium. Due to negative thinking and self profit perceptions, wrong perception to earn money continued and increased in human kind with changing time. Though human was earning good according to his era and time, he fell into blind rate race. This way wrong perception to earn money increased. Worst part is, human gifted such wrong perceptions to coming generations also that is why human is facing many financial, personal and global issues in present era. Well there are so many theories in discussion for origination of earth. Science always claims for evidence and proof while specifically Hindu mythology doesn’t have. Hence in this book; to explain earning perception, human history is described in reference with science. As per Adam theory, he was only and first intelligent human means Adam was complete human to accept as a human. While according to Hindu Mythology, in Bhagwad Gita, it is mentioned that first human on the earth was Manu who was also intelligent and complete human; he knew the five principles through his intelligence i.e. light, life, love, purity and peace to live. According to Mandaean-nasoraeans, they said that Adam was born in India and he lived here with his family. So both stories show some common interpretations about human history. According to Hindu mythology, there are four Yugas on earth; i.e. Satyuga, Tretayuga, Dwaparyuga and Kalyuga. As Yuga progressed, human thinking patterns, life style and parameters on earth changed from struggle to basic needs to comfort. In this mythology, cow is goddess as an earth and standing on four legs i.e. truth, patience, purity and pity. As Yuga progressed, cow was misused means in Satyuga she was standing on four legs; Tretayuga on three legs (truth absent), Dwaparyuga two legs (truth and patience absent) and Kalyuga on leg (truth, patience and purity absent in human nature) which clearly explains how earning (money, respect, love, care, freedom, and relationship) degraded its own value and damage humankind as Yuga progressed. And if book will be explained with Hindu mythology with such reference, role of earning money, respect, love, care, freedom, and relationship in human life could be explained easily because Hindu mythology is oldest mythology on this earth and is very clear in context with development of human thinking patterns, life style and life span on earth. But as said above, due to lack of evidence, it is difficult to prove this earning perception theory with only Hindu Mythological books though few theories of Hindu mythology are used here to explain few points. It is mentioned in book that how to improve wrong perception and how to get new improved earning perception. With improved perception (new earning perception), human can know real meaning of life, trust, care, relationship, respect, love, and freedom is not related with earning currency. Well it is difficult to change deeply rooted wrong perceptions (seen in humans since many generations) but by following few methods, he can improve wrong perception with gradual process. If he can’t find in self, may be it will be found in coming generations in future which is best gift for coming generations

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